FA Annual Fund
We remain committed to raising awareness and funds around our most critical needs as an institution. Our scholars are going against the grain of alarming drops in reading and math proficiency in urban education, and they need our help.
The FA Annual Fund, running each year from November through January, empowers us to do that.

Every Dollar is an Opportunity
This year, we are galvanizing our ambassadors, partners, friends, and alumni to help us raise $750,000 for high dosage tutoring. With every dollar invested, a scholar receives additional targeted instruction time to address their specific academic needs.
According to academic studies, every dollar supports more favorable outcomes for our scholars as well as our future economy. Every dollar turns into an opportunity.
Why High Dosage Tutoring?
In 2023-24, we provided free access for 275 scholars in grades 3 - 8 performing below grade level in Math or ELA. We leveraged in person tutoring as well as virtual instruction through Tutored by Teachers with a focus on building foundational skills.
All scholars experienced accelerated growth in Math & ELA.
50% of scholars achieved grade-level proficiency in just 10-12 weeks.

High Dosage Tutoring is Getting Results.
Let’s Amplify It!
These tangible results were achieved with just six months of high dosage tutoring. This year, we’ve launched the service in September and expect even greater results.
Offering free tutoring for longer periods means greater costs.